With this first post, let's review the bastardlyness of Bill Schorer.
1: kidnapped nine year old daughter
2: Abandoned ten year old daughter
3: refused to pay a dime of child support
4: Didn't bother telling daughter about Grandmother's death
5: Knew his Daughter lived in New Orleans when Katrina hit yet didn't even try to find out if she survived.
6: Had a son he never told daughter about
Can you spell sack-of-shit?
It's B-i-l-l S-c-h-o-r-e-r
Bill Schorer's new Jobhttp://www.astecinc.com/news/news_0035.htmI wonder if they know what kind of man they've hired.
I wonder if my brother knows what kind of man his father is.
Dollars for doughnuts, my brother, like myself, has gone his entire life assuming that he's an only child.