Bill Schorer

Monday, March 27, 2006

So Bill Schorer's abandoned his siblings, too

Now they ALL know where to find him.
Looks like he has a bit of a shock in store for him.
At least my brother's about to discover a fairly nice family he probably never knew he had.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Update of sorts

So I sent him an email. Nothing emotional or informative. Just something to let him know that I know where he is.
I'm not sure that was the right thing to do, as he must know that he's about to start getting much smaller paychecks until his back child support is finally paid off.
It's a crying shame I'm not going to see so much as a dime of it myself, as I would really like to rebuild my house.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

William Anton "Bill" Schorer

With this first post, let's review the bastardlyness of Bill Schorer.
1: kidnapped nine year old daughter
2: Abandoned ten year old daughter
3: refused to pay a dime of child support
4: Didn't bother telling daughter about Grandmother's death
5: Knew his Daughter lived in New Orleans when Katrina hit yet didn't even try to find out if she survived.
6: Had a son he never told daughter about

Can you spell sack-of-shit?
It's B-i-l-l S-c-h-o-r-e-r

Bill Schorer's new Job
I wonder if they know what kind of man they've hired.
I wonder if my brother knows what kind of man his father is.
Dollars for doughnuts, my brother, like myself, has gone his entire life assuming that he's an only child.